Caltrans Pilot Completed

P1030125Well, after 11 months, 9 visits and two reports, we’re done! The device is working perfectly, my maintenance visit took 10 minutes car to car, and resulted in a handful of debris that fit in a 1/2 gallon mason jar with room to spare. These devices truly are low maintenance, even during an El Niño winter. Many, many thanks for the heroes of Caltrans: Scott Dowlan, who built such a fantastic site the beavers couldn’t resist it; Nancy Siepel, biologist extraordinaire who figured out the permitting; and Katherine Brown, the tireless advocate for Team Beaver. I’ve been impressed from the word go, and hope to have more opportunities to work with Caltrans in the future. Here’s the last report, feel free to share liberally.

Prunedale Non-Lethal Beaver Management Pilot Report 2